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Mystery Picture Answer

No. 4


Neck and breast of a cock pheasant    Cock pheasant

The neck and breast of a male pheasant!  The pheasant Phasianus colchicus was probably introduced to Britain by the Romans.  Subspecies from China were introduced at a later date which brought different plumage colours and patterns including a white ring on the male's neck.  Although pheasants are bred in large numbers as game birds for shooting during Autumn and Winter, some will thrive in the wild in woodlands and on agricultural land.   They feed on a large variety of foods including berries, seeds, insects, worms and vegetation.  The colourful male mates with a number of females during the Spring but plays no further part in rearing the young.   The more camouflage female lays her eggs in a scraped hollow in the ground where she incubates them for around 24 days.


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