Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust

Promoting the British Countryside


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Remote Experiments Via the Internet
Click here to visit the Pilot Project


The Trust is inviting schools and colleges in Britain and overseas to become partners in conducting exciting remote experiments via the internet.   We are looking for innovative forward-thinking groups to take an active part in the design and set up of experiments.  The experiments will then be carried out remotely according to their instructions and the results will be relayed over the Internet.

Students plan and design the experiment

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2. Experiment in the countryside

Linked over the Internet

4. Experiment accessed in  your classroom


Setting up the experiments will involve students in tasks such as:

1) Deciding which variables/parameters to measure.

2) Using software to set  the variables/parameters which are to be recorded by the remote sensors.

3) Deciding exactly where they want the sensors to be placed. This will be based on detailed and extensive  information about each possible sensor location.

4) Deciding how many readings should be taken and when and how this information is to be displayed.

5) Sending the software instructions via email to run the experiment.

As the remote experiment is taking place, the results will be accessed in real time over the Internet by the students.  They can then interpret the results or directly compare them with identical experiments being run at your own location.

The project will encourage investigation of some of the processes taking place in the natural world.  It will also promote team building and planning capabilities along with learning IT skills in a new and interesting way.


If you are interested in taking part,
please email us or telephone (UK) 01404 831373