Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust

Promoting the British Countryside


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The Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust manages a variety of woodland at The Woodland Education Centre. (map) . The Centre is a Forestry Commission site which features broadleaf and confer woodland as well as a range of aquatic habitats and emergent heath.

Learn about forestry here.

appoint_clr.gif (12437 bytes)Reports on heathland and woodland restoration are available.

  Dawn chorus

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All the information including images, charts, movies and sounds is provided copyright free, only for educational use by: schools, colleges and universities unless you are making a charge. If you wish to use information or any part of this site for commercial purposes or for any purpose where a charge is made then you must get permission, so make sure you contact us first. Remember, if you are not a school, college or university you must obtain permission to use any part of this website. Note that company logos are reproduced with permission and remain copyright of their respective owners.