Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust

Promoting the British Countryside


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The Woodland Education Centre
Managed by the Trust in partnership with the Forestry Commission

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February 2003


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In these globally uncertain times, there is something rather comforting about the predictability of these seasonal events. The Hazel catkins are beginning to open, displaying their yellowy masses of pollen. Closer observation of the twigs will reveal the separate tiny red female Hazel flowers, which are easily overlooked.

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Male Hazel Catkins

Female Hazel Flower

Gorse bushes are flowering, with a heady coconut-like scent and the snowdrops and primroses are beginning to come out on the hedgebanks. Living in Devon, we tend to become rather blasé about the beauty of our primrose-covered roadsides and banks. It often takes visitors from other areas of Britain where this is not a common sight, to make us appreciate the wonder on our doorsteps.

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The winter work programme at the Centre is proceeding apace, taking advantage of the narrow window of opportunity while wildlife sleeps, or is at least less active.


wpeDB.jpg (27316 bytes) A proportion of the willow in the wetland has been coppiced (left).  The bird hide will also shortly have a new roof. Elsewhere paths have been cleared of scrub to make way for wildflowers and walkers. All of this work has been funded by the Devon Action Grant Fund, through Landfill Tax money contributed by Devon Waste Management.

Visitors to the Centre may have noticed that the bridleway and some of the tracks are somewhat the worse for wear. Once better weather arrives, these will be repaired, courtesy of the same grant.

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