Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust

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Woodland Project Phase 2 Survey Report



Smith, A.J.E. (1978) The Moss Flora of Britain & Ireland . Cambridge University Press.

Watson, E.V. (1981) British Mosses and Liverworts. Cambridge University Press. Third Edition.


List of Tables & Illustrations


Table 1. Species List.

Table 2. Regional Variations in % Frequency and mean % Cover of the Moss Flora on the Woodland Project Site.


Plate 1. Original Rhododendron Cover on the Woodland Project Site.

Plate 2. The Cleared Pilot Project Area - Initial Survey.

Plate 3. Clearing The Project Site.

Plate 4. Repairing the Hedgebanks.

Plate 5. Thinning out the Trees on the Project Site.

Plate 6. Cutting and burning rhododendron

Plate 7. Repaired Hedgbanks

Plate 8. Cultivated Area Adjacent to Central Hedgebank.

Plate 9. Spraying the Regenerating Rhododendron with Roundup.

Plate 10. Sampling the Ground Flora inside the 20m squares.

Plate 11. The Path Marking the Northern Boundary of the Project Site.

Plate 12. Birch trees on the Project site.

Plate 13. Regenerating Rhododendron ( Area 2).

Plate 14. The northern path through the Rhododendron.



Figure 1. Species Density according to Region.

Figure 2. Diversity of the Ground Flora.

Figure 3. Silver Birch Density.

Figure 4. Silver Birch Mean Girth.

Figure 5. Rhododendron Density.

Figure 6. Rhododendron mean % Cover.

Figure 7. Seedling Density - Survey 2.

Figure 8. Densities of the Major Seedling Categories.

Figure 9. Proportional Representation of Seedlings according to Region.

Figure 10. Holly Tree Density.

Figure 11. Seedling Density of Less Common Species.

Figure 12. Density and Distribution of Mature Mountain Ash.

Figure 13. The % Frequency of Mosses.

Figure 14. Regional Variations in Moss Diversity.


Woodland Project Phase 2




General   Tree Species    Rhododendron   Seedlings  Mosses

Conclusions    References

List of Tables & Illustrations
Tables   Plates   Figures